A performance BBoy jacket designed for full movement freedom, inspired by Adidas street culture.
Exploring waste reduction to design more with less, using new manufacturing techniques
Performance | Circularity | Innovation In collaboration with Pan Liu

Adidas project brief:
Design more with less

TPU Spacer fabric
Polyester with TPU center
TPU Polyester Blend
Using three new materials to work with, we were challenged to create innovative ways the material could be used in a wearable context.
Looking for their possible performance benefits and improving manufacturing techniques to reduce waste.
Material Experimentation
We first began with a large exploration of the ways we could manipulate the TPU.
We then mapped out its possible characteristics and looked at 6 different areas of sports it could provide performance benefits.
Breakdancing provided a curious area where the functional advantages were many.
A rebirth in BBoying

The opportunity?

BBoy is becoming a competitive sport:
BBoying and BGirling was featured in the Youth Olypmics for the first time ever in 2018.

Keeping the tradition:
The heritage of BBoy is so rich, but is being lost as it becomes more of a sport.

How can we use less to create the first performance enhancing garment for the upcoming Bboy youth,
while honoring its heritage?

1. Support: Elbows
Dancers put an extreme amount of pressure and tension on their joints.
Clothing falls over dancers face when inverted.
2. Fit: Tight and loose
3. Glide: Back spins
Lowest friction possible to maintain high speed spins.
Lowest friction to prevent falling over.
4. Glide: Head spins

Material experiments
With the given focus area, we ideated with the materials, understanding their capabilities and possible performance benefits.
Experimenting with various ideas ranging from soft to hard good solutions.
Focused on distributing the load more effectively over the torso area, while staying within FIA regulations.
Idea development

Made with all the planned manufacturing methods and materials.
Used only Ultra-Sonic Welding and Welding Tape for construction